Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Kindergartener's Perspective

I really do enjoy my class this year. I've got a bunch of cute kids that are on the ball. I lucked out to have a pretty good bunch while planning this entire wedding. Since we started school I mentioned to them that I was getting married. Now that the time is nearing, they are getting as excited as I am. They've seen a few of my bridal pictures and thought that I was a princess. One kid freaked out and thought I already got married. This Monday we officially started a countdown during our calendar time. They LOVE it! One little boy gets excited and claps everyday. Several have asked if they all get to come to the wedding. I just tell them maybe!

I've been out twice this year and they hate it, therefore I've warned them that I will be out for 8 or 9 days for the wedding and honeymoon. One little boy REALLY doesn't want me to go and tells me about it everyday at recess. A few days ago they asked me what I was going to look like when I get back from getting married. I snickered a bit and asked them what they thought I was going to look like. One girl immediately said that I would have a baby in my tummy because you have to get married before you have a baby! I told her that she was right, but I wouldn't have one in my tummy until they were in second grade! That opened up a new can of worms. Then they asked if they could see the baby when it was born and that I need to name it something pretty if it's a girl.

Kids can be so cute and they don't even try. I really do love teaching when I have good kids and good parents to deal with. It's even better if you have good administrators. Can't believe I have all three in one year, usually you don't get so lucky.

1 comment:

Abby said...

So cute! It's getting close, don't worry we have started reminding Emery that she needs to keep her dress on during the ceremony!!