Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I've become addicted to There are hundreds of reviews to read about our hotel. Some of them make me super excited and some make me a little nervous. No matter what, I know that we are going to have a wonderful time on our honeymoon. I can't wait to fall off the face of the earth for a week!

I've been searching on the web for the Farmers Almanac to see what the weather will be like on our wedding day, but you had to pay for it and I knew that you could find them for free at the local feed stores. Nick's Mom didn't find the Farmers Almanac, but we got Grier's Almanac. It says that it will be windy on March 29th. I can handle windy, just don't want the rainy. It also says that it will rain on the 27th and doesn't say anything about the 28th. I'm going to keep searching for the farmers to compare the two.

1 comment:

Abby said...

We LOVE trip advisor, we don't go anywhere if we don't consult it before we go. We totally crack up at the post that say, "I just love Bob the bartender, he is so nice and helpful, make sure you tell him I said hello!". Or You just have to stay in room 32 it's beautiful. Cracks me up.

Grandma Popp says if it rains on your wedding day, you will be rich. Maybe she just told us that because it rained (but just for a bit early in the day!)