Monday, March 10, 2008

Self-Inflicted Sickness

Gone are my days of partying. Why, you ask? Well, I had my bachelorette party on Saturday and realized that I'm getting old and can't hang. Partying all night definitely got the best of me. Sunday was TERRIBLE! I woke up feeling great. Then a little bit of a headache started coming on. I figured I could handle it...I just didn't want to get a stomachache. Unfortunately, the stomachache did come. When I stood up I wanted to vomit, but couldn't. The only time I felt good was when I was asleep. Therefore I slept til who knows when, took a shower, took a nap, pryed myself outta bed, went to the alteration lady's house, packed up, and headed to Wharton. It was the worst and longest drive of my life.

My phone died on the trip back and my car charger is broken, so that made the trip even longer. Nick was at Luke's house so I went there to tell him I was going to the house. I couldn't hang around for the birthday party. I went to the house and went right to bed. It was about 7pm. Nick got home around 8 and I finally felt like I could eat something around 8:30. We went to KFC to get a chicken pot pie-the closest thing to noodle soup I could think of. I ate it and went back to bed. Today I'm back to normal. Thank God! No more self-inflicted sickness for me...well, that is, until Jamie and Jill's bachelorette parties.

Tomorrow I will tell about the bachelorette party and maybe post a few G-rated pictures.


Tracy said...

I hate that! I definitely can't hang like I used to. If I try to do so, I'm a complete mess the next day. Hopefully I won't put the hurt on myself too much at the wedding!

Abby said...

Welcome to the club! It is a sad day....I like the new name and layout! Cute!