Friday, March 14, 2008

Who's my Nicky-Poo?

This post was inspired by my future cousin, Tracy. You can see the post I'm talking about at

Here's all about my Nicholas, for all of you who don't know him like I do. I didn't know if I should start with the good or not-so-good first, so I'll mix it up.

He could melt butter with his words. He always speaks the nicest, most encouraging words even when we are at each other's throats. He can write poems and love letters that bring tears to your eyes. Speaking of talking, he could talk a deaf man's ear off. Every morning and evening he kisses me and tells me how beautiful I am. It never gets old. He squeaks when he walks. I'm not kidding, the guy never buys anything but clothes and shoes new, and he probably didn't do that pre-Jenny. He purchased his first tractor in the 4th grade from his Gramps for $500 and paid for his truck with cash and has ZERO debt! Back to talking, he can talk about tractors and cows for days on end. It makes his week if I ride with him on the tractor to feed should see how he lights up. He really does think that I hung the moon. He buys range cubes for me to feed to the cows because that's what I loved to do when I was little. Everytime I get home from shopping, he asks me how much each thing cost, drives me crazy. (What's he gonna do with me and our future kids?) When he gets the chance to shop with me, he holds all of my things and waits in line for me while I continue looking. He opens car doors for me almost every time. He treats me to surprise pedicures by leaving me a note with cash in my car. He hates tomatoes and loves my eyes and smile. He is the SLOOOOWEST person when it comes to getting ready. He's also late to everything...I'm hoping he'll make it to the wedding on time, but it's doubtful.

He truly is the greatest man alive (in my books). I'm his princess and he's definitely my knight in shining armor. I can't imagine my life without him in it.

At my bachelorette party, Jamie and Jill got Nick to answer several questions and then I had to answer them. I don't remember much from that night, but I do remember everyone was in awe when I answered almost every question exactly as Nick did. It's almost scary how well we know each other.


Tracy said...

I love this post! Man, what a catch!!!

Anonymous said...

Tears to my sweet. *Bons

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh. You are truly a lucky girl.

Anonymous said...

Awww jen -- I was all teared up. Were you when you were writing it? you HAD to have been! How sweet! I love it! Jamo