Saturday, March 22, 2008

About to beat down a cashier...

Hobby Lobby and I have a love/hate relationship. I really really love to shop there! They have cute stuff and awesome sales. According to Jamie, if you cut the 40% off coupons from the newspaper you can use as many of them as you want. However, it could have been Michael's she was talking about. Hobby Lobby had these candles that we wanted to use, but they never go on sale. We decided to get a bunch of coupons and get the 40% off rather than spend the full price. Monday I went to the Hobby Lobby in Victoria and the cashier told me that I could only use one with her, but I could go to another cashier to use others. Instead, I asked the nice girl behind me if she would just purchase a set of the candles. She agreed and we were all happy.

Today, we were in Katy for Robert's baptism. Mom, Jill, and I were planning on going to HL to finish up all the candle buying. I also had to get one of my bridal portraits framed. The lady in the framing department was a real you-know-what. Why do people work at places where they have to deal with people if they are going to be so rude? Maybe she was having a bad day, but has she heard about leaving it at the door? We came up with a plan to check out, run to Garden Ridge, and come back for the picture. Here's how it all went down....

First of all, we had a VERY limited amount of time to get everything done.

I get in line to exchange out a picture frame. All the lines are backed up, as they always are. The lady was taking forever to do the exchange so I decided to just buy the frame and exchange the other one another day. I give her two coupons and two boxes of candles. She rudely states, "If you read the fine print it says one coupon per customer, per day." I tell her that's fine, some places accept them, but it was understood. So, I ask the lady behind me to purchase a set for us. All she was buying was a spool of ribbon...she didn't mind. The cashier says (rudely), "there's always ways around it." I ignored her and rushed to the back of the store to get Jill (waiting on picture to be framed.) Mom buys a set and waits up front with the other girl who is buying a set. Jill and I rush up to the front to purchase the framed picture and it was her turn to buy a set of candles. We got into another line because it was much shorter. The cashier turns around, looks at me, says "ma'am" and starts to shake her finger at me and tell me I can't do it. At this point, everyone in line is looking at us. Before she can say a word, I say (very rudely)"she hasn't bought any today and don't worry we aren't doing anything illegal!" I was livid. Hobby Lobby has 50% off sales all the time...they aren't losing any money with our little purchases. It would have been much easier for her to just let us use all the coupons because we were successful despite her hateful self.

As we walked to the car, Mom tells us how the cashier was telling her that it wasn't right for that girl to buy us the candles and that she could get in trouble. I hope the Hobby Lobby police didn't come after her when we left. She was really irritating and it didn't make matters any better that we were in a huge rush. I really could have reached over and puller her hair or something.

She needed to chill out this Easter season!


Abby said...

Better watch out for the hobby lobby police! We have often used multiple coupons in a row with no problems, I guess you just have to watch out for the cahier!

Tracy said...

Oh no, Hobby Lobby cashiers on a power trip, WATCH OUT!

You know if you want to know of the coolest coupon place ever, go to Beth Bath and Beyond. They will let you use as many as you need, they don't care which competitor they belong to or if they are expired (they even consider places like Macy's and JCPenny competitors), and the coupon or sale doesn't even have to be for the exact same product. They are so awesome.
They also will take EVERYTHING back. When I bought the first rug for Tate's room they told me I could put it down in there for a week or so, take the tags off and as long as I kept the receipt I could always bring it back. I ended up taking it back. :)

Anonymous said...

Yep -- even at the same HL you were at Jenny I had a sweet girl let me use 3 coupons for your chocolate and ivory napkins for your come n go shower.

all depends on the person working and what day they were having.