Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm Craving Punch

Not much has been going on here. I'm just anxiously awaiting this weekend. At some point on Saturday I have to meet my photographer in Austin to pick up my canvas portrait. At 10am, Nick's cousin, Robin, is getting married at Chapel Dulcinea. Then Sarah Beth and I will head to Shiner for the bachelorette party. I'm soooo ready for it. It'll be so much fun to hang out with all the girls for one last fling before the ring. I know that Trashcan Punch is on the menu and this makes me happy. Alicea makes the BEST TC punch ever. We've had it on many occasions and for some reason, people act really silly after they have a few glasses.

So many stories to tell because of that ol TC punch. Grandma Pohler had a very small glass a few years ago at the July 4th party. She loved it because she couldn't feel her arthritis! Who could forget Ross that same night? Huh puh wuh! I'm sure this Saturday night he will get a few late night calls with all of us screaming this famous phrase at him. His poor white shirt had to be ruined by the bright red drink. And then there was Craig catching on fire. Who would have known that a burning Koozie would stick to your Jesus sandal? He found out the hard way when his entire leg almost caught fire. Thank goodness Abby was there to put it out by pooring her beer on it...although she was very hesitant about wasting that beer on him! Then there's me...low domino and TC punch are NOT a good combination. And you thought I was going to tell on myself! We'll keep those stories unwritten, for my children might read this blog someday.


Abby said...

Have fun!!

Tracy said...

No update about the party? Is that because you're still recovering? I hope y'all had a great time!