Monday, October 6, 2008

6 things I've learned:

This was supposed to go on the last post, but I ran out of time.

6 things I've learned in the last 6 months:

6) Once you're married, the past is finally the past. All we worry about is the present and the future.

5) Paying bills is much nicer when there are two incomes.

4) Just like a child, a man needs consistency and constant reminders. Constant reminders to put the lid down, to pick out your clothes to be ironed for the next day, to rinse your dirty dishes before you put them in the sink, and to put the milk back in the fridge are daily issues. (Well, almost daily!)

3) It's really hard when we disagree because we are both stubborn-headed, middle children. We have both learned to walk away and chill out for a little while. When we come back to each other we laugh at our stupidity.

2) I have a partner in anything and everything I do.

1) I live for him and know there are great things ahead of us. I can hardly remember they days when he was not in my life.

I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband to spend the rest of my waking days with. I always wonder why I have been so blessed with the best man on Earth. I'm just one lucky girl. If the rest of my life turns out half as great as it has been, I should have no complaints. I'm looking forward to the "heck of a lot more."


Anonymous said... sweet..happy 6 month anniversary! I wish you guys many many more!

Abby said...

I didn't know stubborn was reserved for middle children...wonder what Brian and I's excuses are! Happy 6 months...can't believe it's been that long!

Tracy said...

I can't believe it's been 6 mos!

Pick out clothes to be ironed... HA!