Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Shiner Couple's Shower

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San Marcos friends-Ariel (Jeremy's wife...he's in the wedding) and Gina

Our super yummy Italian Cream Cake....our cake lady made it. Nick will have this flavor as his wedding cake.


Opening presents preferred way to open gifts. That's a grill cover, but we don't have a grill.

Wait a minute...there it is! Awesome stainless steel grill from Mom and Dad, Momma and Pop Popp, and Grams. We also got a very pretty chiminea from the hostesses.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Look at me, a commenting fool. 1. Do you scrap book too? Your talents have no end!! 2. We would be happy to have Nick cook for us on that grill, looks scruptios and we will bring sides. (Once you have a house to live in and all...until then it can come and stay at our house if you need a home for it!)