Friday, January 18, 2008

A minor scare

Ron Renken, the American Legion guy, called me today and asked if we still wanted the hall for March 29th. WHAT??? YES! He said that he didn't get a deposit for it. Dad sent him a deposit for it on June 4th, not even a week after we got engaged! Dad looked back in his records and found the cleared check. Phew! Mr. Renken must have just forgetten to write it in his books. Everything's taken care of and we're still getting married on March 29th!


Anonymous said...

OMG that's ALL you would have needed! :) JLC

crch said...

We had a few issues like this as well. We got called once and were asked if we were really set on our date b/c the next weekend was available as well. Then later we got a call asking if were were still wanting the hall b/c they hadn't heard from us. We figured giving a deposit was enough. Gotta love small towns :)