Here's my delivery story:
At my last doctor's appointment they told me that I would be an "on-call" induction. Because of the high blood pressure, I would take precedence over anyone else scheduled for induction. I liked the sound of this! I was to call the hospital at 5pm on Monday, the 1st, to make sure they had a room for us. I started my morning pretty early. I had to fast at 9am so I went and had breakfast at Diamond S. While I was at Diamond S, I got a call from the hospital asking when I was going to be there. ???? I was confused and didn't know if I should tell them I'd be there in an hour and rush around like crazy or just wait until 5. I decided to tell her that I was told to call at 5pm. Evidently, she thought I was supposed to call at 5am. The rest of the day went by rather quickly. I hung out at the house and just made sure that I had everything we needed for the big day.
4:45 came so I went ahead and called the hospital. This call did not make me happy at all!! The lady said that I could call back at 7, but they probably wouldn't be ready for me until 9 or 10. Not good news! Especially since I was already hungry and I had no idea when the next time I'd be eating would be. All I could have was water and apple juice. I usually hate apple juice, but came to really like it since that day. I was sick of being in the house so Nick and I rode around Wharton for a while and then made our way to Wal-Mart for a 6 pack (of apple juice!). We shopped around and visited with several people and ended up walking out at exactly 7pm. I called on our walk to the truck and much to my surprise they told me to start making my way there. We went back to the house to switch vehicles and were off! We stopped at Kroger to fill up and Nick got dinner at Sonic. He was nice and didn't eat it in front of me. When we arrived at the hospital, we were admitted to our room immediately. We met our nurse and she did more registering in the room. Unfortunately, our night nurse wasn't all that great. She was moody and snippy from the get go. Not at us, but at everything else. She hooked me up to an IV after a few pokes and then checked me. I was still 1cm dilated and thanks to the castor oil and evening primrose oil I was 70% effaced. She went ahead and started the induction process and we tried to get our last night of sleep!
February 2nd-Dr. Cone came in at 7:45am to check progress and we were STILL 1 cm and 70 %. I just knew that we were going to have a c-section. Dr. Cone went ahead with another type of gel for induction. At about 8am I was in PAIN. I had immediately vomitted. Not much time went by and I felt a little snap. I told our new,VERY sweet nurse, Melanie, that I needed some pain medicine and that I thought my water had broken. She told me that I didn't want any yet because it lasts about 1.5 hours and I had a long road ahead of me and she didn't think my water broke. A few minutes later it went everywhere and she said that indeed it did. At one point, I got up to go to the restroom with Nick's help. I think I was in tears and told him there was no way I could do this and if I could please just have a c-section right then. I kept asking for drugs and she finally gave me something after about 1.5 hours of pain. Since it was my first baby, I didn't know what the pain should feel like and I think she thought I was over-reacting. It was very painful to me. The pain medicine took the edge off a little. I could feel when each and every contraction was coming at about every 2-4 minutes. I pretty much put myself in a zone where I didn't speak to anyone. I just couldn't do it. When family members came to visit I ignored them and I didn't want to hear them talk either. Mind you, I was VERY nice through all of this. At one time, when my very excited Mom and very excited Mom-in-law came in talking a bunch like they did several times before, I kindly whispered to Nick to tell them to stop talking. :) They started whispering to Nick. The nurse had to wait 1.5 hours after giving me the pain medicine before she could check me again. The time finally went by and we surprisingly made progress. Lots of progress....5 cm and 90%....time for the epidural! Thank you Jesus!
The anesthesiologist came in to administer the shot. Immediately after the epidural, I was absolutely pain free. We visited with everyone one last time before we started the pushing. I was in much better spirits with everyone. I even got to put makeup on. After chatting with everyone, we got the ball rolling with Melanie. I thought the pushing part would be the painful part, but it was a piece of cake. The only thing that I felt was the onset of each contraction. It wasn't pain, it was just a very very little amount of pressure. I would tell Nick and Melanie that one was coming and she would look at the machine and say, "Yep, let's push." After a few practice pushes, I had it figured out. There's definitely no need to take a class for it! We pushed a little while and we were then at a 9 and 100%...time to call Dr. Cone. Between each contraction we visited and laughed. It was a very pleasant experience. Somewhere at the beginning of all of this, Melanie suggested that I watch with a mirror. Ehhhhh! We decided to go for it so that, I could see the actual birth. It was amazing, once you get passed the ick factor. Not knowing the sex and seeing the progress we were making made me give 110% with each push. I gave my last push, which I didn't know it was going to be the last, and the first thing I noticed was that Brody was definitely a HE. Nick cut the umbilical cord and they placed the baby on my chest. Sooooooooo amazing. There was so much going on in the room, but it seemed like time stood still at that moment. Like it was a dream...he was in my arms and the hustle and bustle continued around me, but all I could do was stare at him and smile. After a little while, they took him from me and got him all cleaned up in the room. Nick then went out to announce that HE was here! We fed him and then everyone got to come and meet him within the 1st hour of his life. He was then taken to the nursery for a good cleaning and everything else that they do.
Last day of being pregnant!
After the epidural....all smiles!
Popo and his first grandson!
So fun! I love how happy everyone looks!! Love it!! So excited for you all!
So sweet! I'm so happy for you guys :)
Congratulations! I enjoyed reading your birth story!
Awww! tears!!! ah!
You wrote it beautifully Jen!
We are all so blessed with Brody!!
He is just beautiful! Having boys is such a blessing!
Man, you don't look snappy in any of those pictures! Actually all of you look great! I know I didn't look that good after having a baby. Congrats and thanks for posting!
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