I have a VERY good, clear memory of my childhood. Most of the stuff is irrelevant, but it sticks. To explain this a little better, I can remember the name of the lady that sold us our first weiner dog from Victoria YEARS ago. Therefore, I remember LOADS of things about my grandparents. A few things that I think of when I think of Papa is how he would pick on me when I didn't get my way. I was VERYYYY spoiled so if I didn't get my way, I stuck out my lip and stomped my feet. He would mimic me and I couldn't help but stop crying and start laughing.
Another memory is his Levi Garrett chewing tobacco. Unfortunately, we promoted his bad habit and would give him a case for Christmas. He always carried his spit can with him. When I was about 2 or 3 we had to take Mamaw to a doctor's appointment in Houston. While we were sitting in the waiting room, I told him not to forget his "piss bucket."
Also, when I was little, Dad and I would wake up and go to Mamaw and Papa's for breakfast on Saturday's. This is definitely a thing of the past these days. Back then, I'd be up by 6am to go get my "coffffaaay!"
~Busted~ Nick and Uncle Wayne-He's not our uncle, but we pretend that he is!
~Mamaw and Me~
~Mamo and Me~
I'm not sure!
Dancing with Mamo!
Singing sisters!
Nokie and his favorite cousin! ;)
Aren't they cute?
Mom and Dad-Aren't they cute, too?
Thanks Jen...and cute pictures! FYI I am Ryan's favorite :) Thank you for finally updating...I get so bored sitting at my desk...all I do is look at blogs or add one.
That was a fun night.
Testing... Testing... ah okay it works here too! Now I can watch all the world happenings on the blogspot!
Lol...I think it's a word...if not then it should be.
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