Friday, January 16, 2009

Up and Down Days

I guess you can't help but have those days when trying to deal with our current situation. So far I've been doing rather well. Being a “Tough Cookie” as Nick would say. Last night was rather rough and so was Tuesday night. It just hits me when we are lying in bed together talking about everything and anything. We had so many talks about the fun things we were going to do with our baby and that has all been taken away. Now we are back to talking about what we are going to do with our baby “when” we get pregnant again. I HATE IT!!!

Last night, Steph, Tricia, and I, along with their kiddos went to Chili's. It doesn't make it any easier when you are around and see cute babies all the time. You can't help but think about the baby you no longer have. Of course we are going to start trying whenever we get the go ahead, but that seems like an eternity right now. We've only got 1 week down! Plus, who's to say that we will get pregnant right away? It could take us months to get pregnant this time. The next time we do get pregnant it will be scarier than this last time.

It's absolutely horrible! Sorry for my little pity party.

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